The meeting included the following items:
- Debriefing by Mr Bogdan A. ZDROJEWSKI, Chair of the Delegation for relations with Belarus and Co-Chair Euronest PA Working Group on Belarus, on the ad hoc mission of the Bureau of the Delegation to Minsk (28-30 October 2018)
- Exchange of views with representatives of the Belarusian opposition on the current political situation in Belarus
- Exchange of views on the state of play of relations between the EU and Belarus and the negotiations on the Partnership Priorities
- Mr Dirk LORENZ, Deputy Head of Division for Eastern Partnership - Bilateral relations, European External Action Service (EEAS);
- Mr Lawrence MEREDITH, Director for Neighbourhood East, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), European Commission
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP